The Comedy of Errors

by William Shakespearedirected by Malcolm Brown
May 2009
The Carriageworks Main Space

Leeds Arts Centre performed The Comedy of Errors in May 2009.

Production photos

These photographs were taken during the production’s rehearsals and performances.

Costume designs

The costumes for this production were designed by Malcolm Brown; some of the original drawings can be seen here.

Set designs

The set for this production was designed by Malcolm Brown; the original set model can be seen here.

A Model of the Set


Solinus, Duke of EphesusPaul Fox
Aegeon, a merchant of SyracuseRichard Francis
Antipholus of EphesusTom Bailey
Antipholus of SyracuseKeith Huckfield
Dromio of EphesusSimon Twine
Dromio of SyracuseMark Williamson
Balthazar, a merchantHenry Walker
Angelo, a goldsmithAndrew Allan
First MerchantChristopher Martin
Second MerchantGraham Greensit
Dr. Pinch, a conjurerEdwin Barraclough
OfficerNick Blackshaw
Aemelia, an abbessMargaret Savage
Adriana, wife to Antipholus of EphesusJo Murricane
Luciana, sister to AdrianaKat Tanney
Luce, servant to AdrianaMaria Kwater
CourtesanZöe Freedman

Backstage team

DirectorMalcolm Brown
Production ManagerChristine Wilson
Stage ManagerSteve Fryatt
Assistant Stage ManagersFaye Stevens
 Miranda Foxton
Set ConstructionSteve Fryatt
CostumesPauline Ratcliffe
 LAC Team
PropertiesMonica Brown
 Denise Davies
 Catherine Land
Wigs & HairJean Blundell
LightingPeter Waddicor
Sound RecordingJim Marshall
Sound OperationCal Rake
PromptJoyce King
Front of HouseRobin Thornton

Archive documents

The following documents from the production are in the LAC archive.

Download: Programme
(424 KBytes)
Download: Flyer
(2 MBytes)
Download: Poster
(526 KBytes)

Add to the archive

We’re always looking to add to our archive of past productions – if you have any other memories of The Comedy of Errors, we would be very pleased to hear from you.